1. Wrapping Paper or Gift bags? Wrapping paper of course, I love to buy cute shinny kinds to match my tree and character ones for the kids. Unwrapping is half the fun.
2.Real Tree or Artificial? Artificial, although this year we got a real one, and that is probably the last time we will do that. Its lop sided and Freddie was annoyed by the time it was up.
3.When do you put your tree up? As soon after thanksgiving as possible.
4. When do you take your tree down? When its convienant some time after christmas.
5. Do you like eggnog? No, well I can't say that I have really tried it, but the sound of it makes me sick.
6. What was your favorite gift? My wedding ring from Freddie.
7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad, he has everything and never wants anything.
8. Easiest person to buy for? My kids (they want everything) and Freddie, I can think of a million things he needs and wants.
9.Do you have a nativity scene? No I always want one but have never found one I just love, when I was a kid we had a precious moments one and it was so cute.
10. Mail or Email Christmas cards? Mail, its so much more personal.
11. Worst Christmas present? Cant really think of one.
12. Favorite/Worst Christmas movie? I like all of them, I really like the Santa Clause with Tim Allen, and the old ones with the narrating snowman.
13. When do you start Christmas shopping? Usually november, if I start too early I just keep buying.
14. Have you ever recycled a gift? Probably, you know there are always those unexpected gifts.
15. Favorite thing to eat at christmas time? Peppermint stick ice cream.
16. Color of lights on Christmas tree? White, but I am afraid with the kids we might have to start using color.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Mariah Carey, O holy night.
18. Travel on Christmas or stay home? I would love to travel once in a while, but it is just too hard.
19. Can you name all of santa's reindeer and sing it too? Of course, I tried to sing it to Jax the other day and he didn't like it. Probably the singing.
20. Angel or Star tree topper? Star (Red Glitter Star)
21. Present opened on Christmas Eve? Christmas PJ's
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? How crazy busy it is everywhere.
23. Favorite ornament? The old pictures of my kids, every year we try to get a picture fram ornament with the kids picture in it.
24. Favorite food for Christmas Dinner? Whatever is cooking, I like the traditional ham and potatoes.
25. What do you want for christmas this year? A new TV stand that encloses everything. But whatever I get will be fine.
Tag some friends... Lauren, Shauni, Melonie.
I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would do some updating. I am soooo excited for christmas, I just cant wait. We got some good news about our little boy, on our last ultrasound they did not see any decelerations, so they figure the cord was compressed and now it may be fine. The Dr said if I stop growing they may have to deliver me early, but I feel like everything is going to be just fine. Next week I will be 24 weeks so I am saying 12 weeks to go, thinking I might be early just cause thats how my kids come. So that was a blessing to have right before christmas. We have had so many ultrasounds that we got a couple really good pictures I wish I had a scanner to show them.
I thought too I would post a few pictures from last christmas, since we don't have hardly any new ones this year yet. We got our family pictures done and that was a disaster. But we did get one good family one and Jax had a good one. Dylan was bawling in them but oh well I had a picture where I was crying in it when I was a kid.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Tag!
Posted by Britania at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I can't believe it is already thanksgiving, it seems like we just had christmas last year. Thanksgiving is like the turning point, it means that christmas is just around the corner and it is so exciting. Thanksgiving is not my favorite, I guess that is why I always pick to work it, deep in my heart I know I have a lot to be thankful for and I don't necessarily need to pig out to know that. I do admit it is nice to get together with your family and have a nice dinner. I am excited to start christmas shopping seriously. Although my husband thinks the kids don't need any new toys because our house is taken over by the ones we got. But what can I say I am a sucker.
Jaxon had a thanksgiving program at school today, they were suposed to sing songs that they learned, but Jaxon just stood up there with both hands in his mouth looking around. It was cute anyways. He is the youngest kid in school, and I don't think his attention span is as good as the other kids, they ususally don't let kids in school till they are 3 and a half, but since Jax was potty trained they let him in. They admit he is doing good, but I can tell he's not as mature as some of the other kids its funny how big of a difference a year can make.
So I finally uploaded pictures so if they are a little outdated sorry.
Posted by Britania at 7:50 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Dreaming of blue :)
Well I guess we are dreaming of blue now. I am happy about that, to look on the bright side we already have a ton of stuff, poor kid will wear hand me downs through 2 kids. Boys are great and I love my boys very much, I am just going to be a boys mom, thats ok, I just hope I have good daughter in laws. Our main focus is a healthy boy. We are just gong to have to hope and pray for that. The heart has been doing some funny things it has decelerations and at this point its a mystery of a cause so with me being 19 weeks there is not much they can do so we just have to watch and see what happens. If that is not annoying I don't know what is, these are the possibilities the cord is compressed and either it will work out its kinks and be fine or it won't and if it is before 24 weeks we will just let it do what is meant for it.... Or there is some sort of heart defect and again we will have to wait and see, they really aren't going to do much until the baby is viable. They suspected I may have lupus or RA, but my tests came back negative, I was relieved to find out that my tests were ok but it was bittersweet because it meant the baby may have some problems. The scary part is that we may have a baby here in as little as 5 weeks. I have been stressing out for the last 2 weeks and its so exhausting because I am like a worst case senerio person, I think I have drove my husband crazy. But I am so thankful for my mom and my sister, they have cried with me and dropped everything and came to support me and I love that, they are the best I could ask for and its not like I have to ask they are just there for me.
So we are going to get an ultrasound every month to check things out and hopefully get answers we need to prepare ourselves for whatever we need to.
These are our new family pictures, they would be so cute if I wasn't pulling a cheese ball smile, but it was the only one that everyone was smiling a somewhat.
Posted by Britania at 9:17 PM 11 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
We had a great Halloween, I am not at home or else I would post some pics. I had 2 of the cutest ninja's ever, they had a blast.
We went to get our ultrasound and this little baby had its legs crossed so we were unable to see what it was so the waiting will continue. I will probably get another one on Tues, I am seeing a specialist so we will see what we can find out. We are a bit worried cause there might be a few problems, but we are not saying anything till we know for sure. Say a prayer for us....
Posted by Britania at 7:28 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Out of the loop....
So lately I have been doing nothing, and not posting, as you can tell. I always got so annoyed at looking at the same posts, and now I am annoying myself. For one my internet only works when you go outside so I hate sitting outside and posting. Anyways not a lot has been happening, just the same old thing, working, cleaning, sleeping. Nothing exciting. I used to put my kids down for a nap and do things I wanted to now I put myself down for a nap. I guess I need a little more sleep now.
As far as the baby, things are going good I went and got an ultrasound and they said I was measuring 5 weeks behind what I am, so hopefully I am wrong with my dates. My next ultrasound is scheduled for Nov. 5th and you would think that it is never going to come, but I am patiently waiting. Dreaming of pink things and flowers and hair bows it would be so cute and such a change from now, but I am not going to get my hopes up.
We got some new family pictures and I want to post one but I'm just not motivated right now and anyways I have to work in 1 hr.
Posted by Britania at 3:51 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Lake Powell
Last weekend we decided to take a trip to Lake Powell, we have been planning on going for the last 2 summers and it just hasn't happened, its hard to get everyone together. We ended up going with my mom and Chad, I wasn't totally thrilled about being pregnant and going either, but I'll take what I can get. Neither me or Fred had been for like 10 years and we had forgotten how beautiful it was, it was truly breathtaking. I can't believe that we haven't went more often, it is only 2 hrs away. The kids had fun, it was a little exausting making sure they didn't fall out of the boat, but they were so good to wear their life jackets. I can't wait to go next year, several times. Hopefully we can get a house boat one of the times, I can't believe how rediculously nice some of the houseboats were.
Posted by Britania at 3:30 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
What Year I belong in...
You Belong in 1986 |
![]() |
What Year Do You Belong In?
Posted by Britania at 10:59 PM 3 comments
20 Years ago...
1.I had just turned 6, its kinda a blur, I don't remember a lot, except first grade, we loved the reading rocket and the little castle, in Mrs. Dalshrud.
2. I'm sure I played with Shauni alot, we had been best friends for about 2 years and loved hanging out together.
3.I bet me and my sis had a lot of fun over the summer, we were the best of friends.
10 Years ago...
1.I just turned 16, and I think I thought I was 21.
2.I was in love and thought I had found the man of my dreams ;)
3.I'm pretty sure me and Starli got in alot of trouble that we never got caught for.
4. We went to Basketball camp, and had a blast.
5 Years ago...
1. I just turned 21 and was finally legal to play with all my friends that were way older.
2. I went to a lot of concerts in Vegas at the Mandalay Bay, they were so fun.
3. I was taking all my prerequisites for nursing at Dixie College.
3 Years ago...
1. We had just brought Jaxon home from the hospital, he was so little so cute and so precious, we were scared to death.
2. I was getting ready to start my first semester of nursing school, with a newborn, sleepless nights, and a part time job.
3. I slept on the couch everynight, holding Jaxon, because he would never sleep laying down.
1 Year ago...
1. I had just graduated Nursing school and passed my boards on the first try. YEAH!
2. I just started working at Dixie Regional, it was kinda scary as a new nurse.
3. Taking care of my two boys, Jaxon had just turned 2, he was a wild little boy, and Dylan was 5 months, and starting to get a little personality.
So far this year...
1. I have become a better seamstress, I guess that is what you would call it. I used to couldn't sew a straight line and now I can make blankets and PJ's.
2.Tried to get into photography, but understood that some people just aren't that good.
3. Am learning new ways to control a 1 year old and a 3 year old, pretty much a lot of time out.
4. Discovered that Elmo is not that bad, he's kinda cute.
5. Learned that I am going to be a mom, again.
Yesterday I...
1. Didn't do much, lately I am just too tired.
2. Cleaned up after the kids all day long.
3. Took a nap with my kids
4. Watched Elmo like a million times.
Today I....
1. Bought Jaxon a Halloween costume, Crazy I know, but if you want a cute one you gotta get on it.
2.Cleaned more, you would think my house was clean, but its not.
3. Relaxed cause I thought I was working tonight.
4. Ate Jimmy Johns, its my new obsession.
Tomorrow I will...
1.Prepare for a night at work.
2.Fold laundry.
3.Talk to my sis, a day is not complete with out talking to her.
Next Year I will...
1. Have a newborn.
2. Go to Disneyland with my family, I can't wait.
3. Its an open book, I am up for anything.
4. Hopefully have a house of our own.
5. Learn more patience with my roudy little boys.
Now I tag: Shauni, Lauren, and whoever else wants to play.
Posted by Britania at 7:11 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My little baby is all grown up...
So today was Jaxon's first day of preschool, I was so nervous for him, mostly that he wouldn't quite know how to act and that he would cry the whole time. I sat there with him for 15 minutes cause he was like "I don't want to stay here by myself " so I sat there with him, but eventually I had to leave the teachers were almost kicking me out, they were like he will be ok. I was just so worried. I hope he behaves and does well. I am probably a worry wort, like my grandma Dalla. I felt like saying oh godfreeze. We went and got him a couple new shirts and shoes, I think I am more excited to go school shopping for him. That was my favorite part. He got a new Diego back pack and he loves it he drags it all around the house and Dylan tries to do the same, but Jaxon wont have that, so usually Dylan is screaming. He is such a goof ball, whenever I try to get him to pose for a picture he pulls a funny face so thats how our pictures look lately, but still adorable. I can't believe that my kids are getting so old, its so sad how fast time flys.
Posted by Britania at 1:29 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fun at the Fair!
We went to the fair this weekend, I haven't been in about 8 years and I was a little apprehensive taking the kids by myself, but it actually wasn't that bad. I do wish that Freddie would have gone, but he had to work. We got to pet animals, Dylan just loved the cow here and the goats he kept squatting to eye level with them it was so cute. They gave the kids brushes to brush the goats, they just loved it and the goats were so well behaved it was great.
These last ones are of Jax and his friend Braxton going on rides together, I was shocked that he was willing to go on the rides by himself. I was kind of scared too. I thought he would cry, but he loved it and wanted to go on them over and over again. That little fun house was kinda crazy, they climbed up so high, I guess my little Jax is all grown up, he doesn't need any help with anything. And that is not an understatement, he thinks he can do everything. I just love taking my kids to do fun stuff that they enjoy.
Posted by Britania at 12:07 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
We Love You Guys
My Grandma called me the other day, just to say Hi like she always does and she let me know that she has been looking at my blog everyday and that she loves to look at it. So I thought I would post one in their favor. I have the most supportive grandparents ever, they are as much involved with our lives as my own parents. They love my little boys so much and I am so glad to have them, and I want them to know how much we appreciate the support they have given us. When I was in High School they traveled to all my games when I was playing sports, and they were so proud when we did good. They have come down to here to the birth of both my boys, my grandma stayed while Jaxon was in the hospital and set down there all day with me, I was so grateful for that, because it was a scary time and she gave me the support that I needed.
I love you guys so much and I am glad to have you. Me and my sister always call my grandma when we are sewing things because she is a great seamstress, so we ask her for advise so I wanted to show her the PJ's that I made my boys, to get her approval :) the second pair turned out so much better and now I have made 4 pair and I am so excited to make more, its such cheaper way to get PJ's, the little kids ones are expensive for just some jammies.
Oh and I hope that you guys come to Disneyland with us next year, I think that we would have a blast, and mom says you haven't been in a really long time, so I hope you come. Love you guys and thanks for always being there for us.
Posted by Britania at 11:18 AM 4 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Freddie turns 30!!!!
Posted by Britania at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Love Love Love....
So I am probably like the last person to read these books, but it was kind of nice to be able to read one after another.I kept thinking I don't want to read a story about vampires, but oddly enough I love it. I am just finishing up eclipse, just in time for Breaking Dawn, and I am sooooo excited. I am debating whether to go to the release party at Barnes and Noble or just wait till the morning. You can buy them at 12:01, they are having a costume party for the best Bella and Edward." And my husband thought I was obsessed." I can't believe how good these books are, I have never liked to read and I have read all of these in such a short time. I hope she continues to write more books, or if she quits this series Edward and Bella better get together in the end.
Posted by Britania at 3:32 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Anniversary!!!
On July 22, was our 2nd anniversary, whoo, big 2, but I am just glad that we are getting out of those first years of marriage. I decided to post a few pics of us, this first one was when we were first dating, Fred looks like a baby and I have the roundest face ever, but who cares. The others were our engagements and a wedding one, I was really pleased with our wedding photos, the guy did such a good job.
We celebrated by going to Zion's, without the kids, and went on a hike, it was a lot of fun and we bought an annual pass cause we want to go back and hike more. Its very hard with kids though, anyways we hiked the Upper emerald pools, it was beautiful to see these pools that have been created by nature. At least I think thats how they were created. I forgot my camera cause we were in a hurry and so we didn't get to take any pics. Afterward we went to eat at Oscar's, we were probably more excited about that than the hike, they have yummy food. So we got a night out and it was perfect, we discussed all the things we want to do in the future, it was nice to have a grown up talk. I'm so lucky to have such a great husband, he puts up with me and that is probably a chore. We plan for 50 more years of marriage. "Gee thats seems like a long time..." :)
Posted by Britania at 12:37 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Living on the wild side...
Yesterday we went out to the lake for the day, it was a lot of fun and we got a lot of sun. I am burnt, but I haven't got any sun this summer so its well needed. Dylan's face was a little red today and Jaxon said he got a sunburn and it didn't wash off in the bath tub. He is so cute right now and says the funniest stuff, he pays a lot more attention than we think he does. This was my chance to get a few pics with the kids cause I am never in any pictures cause I am always taking them. We fished and actually caught like 5 fish, me and Freddies sister were screaming "get over here and get this fish off the hook." We just threw them back they were little things.
Freddie and his brother went cliff jumping, I'm not much of a jumper. We all wakeboarded, as you can see there are two pics of me and freddie, obviously he is way better than me. I try to jump the wake, but my little baby jumps just don't cut it. Its such a fun way to get out as a family and have some fun. I just wish my sister could come and go with us. "K'Brina"
Posted by Britania at 1:50 PM 6 comments
Our fun weekend.....
So last weekend we went to Antimony for a family reunion with Freddies family, we rented out the Rockin R Ranch and had a blast. It was a nice change for the things we are used to doing. It brought out our inner cowboys. We went for a trail ride and then we were able to run some horses in an arena and let the boys get on a horse. We also rode in a canoe around a little pond.
Dylan didn't know what to think, but it was such a cute photo op to have the kids up on a horse, cause really how often will we be doing that. It was such a little dive place, but it was fun.
Jaxon bawled at first he didn't want to ride it, but then when dad was there with him he was happy to ride around the arena, holding on for dear life. He was riding a horse named Oreo, and that was a perfect fit for the kids to ride a horse with the name of a cookie.
Ya and me not the greatest horse rider, but it was fun to do something a little different than normal. Thank god these horses were well trained.
We also were able to go to Otter Creek and try out Jaxon's new fishing pole, we didn't catch any fish and were a little glad, cause I don't know what we would have done if we would have caught some. And on the last day we were there we floated down a river in a tube, it was kind of like white water rafting, but on the lighter side only a foot deep with no rapids. We had a good time, but was glad to be back at our home. It really is hard to have the kids out of their element, you have to be watching them constantly.
Posted by Britania at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Another birthday party...
This is of Jaxon's first cake, I tried to be suzie homemaker and make a Nemo cake, since that was our theme, but it wasn' as cute as I imagined. Someday I am going to have the time to make a cute one. He liked it any way. I have a little OCD and I want to do everything and there is just not enough time with a full time job and everything else.
This is at Jax's other party, this time I made him a baseball cake and it was just for the 3 boys they all licked it and stuck their fingers in it. What a mess, but it was the cutest thing ever, good thing they were running through the water feature to wash them off. This is Jaxon's friend Braxton, they are the same age and have known each other since birth, they are finally starting to get along and it is so cute, cause Jaxon wouldn't go to the daycare gym unless Braxton was going to be there, they are both probably the cuteset 3 year olds I know. I think we are in for it when they get older. And this next one was Jaxon's new truck that we gave him, he loved it all we have done is ride it around the backyard, he loves to go in reverse then forward. Poor Dylan has whiplash from being thrown back and forth. It even has it's own radio and he just jams out to the music. He may be a little spoiled but we sure love him and it makes me happy to see him happy, I am a sucker for these boys of mine.
Posted by Britania at 3:51 PM 8 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Jax!!!
Today is Jaxon's 3rd birthday, but we had a party for him in Salina over the weekend, and we are having another one tomorrow since I have to work tonight. The kids had so much fun, we had the party at my mom's house. We had party favors, as you can see Dylan loved them, and we had a pinata, cake, and fire works afterwards.
Dylan took a few swings at the nemo piniata and then bawled when we took the stick from him. This was one tough piniata, the kids hit it and hit it till the fin broke off, but never broke it open.
Finally we just dumped the candy out cause the kids were getting tired and we were loosing daylight fast. The children were probably in sugar shock from the candy and cake, but of course they were in heaven.
Then Jaxon opened his presents his aunt K'Brina and Ryan gave him a fishing pole, in hopes that we will take our boys fishing as much as they take their girls. We are planning to go to Otter Creek this weekend for a family reunion, so hope fully we will have some pictures using the new pole. He now just wants to play with it all day. He also got some tractors and trucks and a new tent. He loved them all and we have a tent set up in our front room. And this is only the beginning, we are having another party tomorrow, and I think there are bigger toys coming to that one. AHH. Our house is closing in on us, we have too much s!#@.
Posted by Britania at 2:20 PM 4 comments