Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Me and Freddie

I haven't posted a lot of pictures of Freddie, my husband, I mostly am just snapping pictures of the kids, and it doesn't help that we are hardly ever home at the same time. Maybe a coulple hours in the morning and some evenings. Its hard but, I guess we do what we have to so that our kids don't have to stay in a daycare and we don't wear out all of our resources. No matter how cute I think that my kids are everyone doesn't feel equally, we can only hope huh. Anyways we went to my BF wedding last weekend in Las Vegas, we got a night away from the kids alone. We had so much fun and I was also happy for my friend, Shauni. Ever since I have had kids I have been such an emotional person, I bawl over everything, I was kind of feeling stupid when I was bawling at her wedding, I felt as if I was one of the only ones, but it is just so beautiful on your wedding day, it just has a special feeling that you will never experience again, and it is priceless to see the bride in her gown and the groom seeing them for the first time. I hope that I am not the only one that feels this way. Anyways these are a few pics of the wedding and me and Freddie.


Jason and Lauren said...

Cute pictures...and CUTE dress! I need to buy a dress for my cousins wedding in June...where did you find yours?

Anonymous said...

You 2 are such a cute couple. Oh and I like your hair, it's way cute!!!